Christian Dating Advice: 10 Tips to Keep It Rizzy and God-Approved

Christian Dating Advice: 10 Tips to Keep It Rizzy and God-Approved

Release Date : 2024/03/18



Listen up my fellow Christian playas – just because we’re tryna keep things holy doesn’t mean the dating game can’t be fun and flirty. Whether you’re a seasoned believer looking to lock down your future boo for life or a fresh-faced newbie testing the waters, these 10 tips will have you shooting your rizzy rizz shots with confidence and wisdom.

  1. Pray on It
    Before you even think about swiping right, take a beat and lift that potential situationship up to the Lord. Pray for discernment, an open heart, and the strength to stay aligned with your values through it all. God’s got your back, fam.
  2. Guard Your Heart (But Don’t Be A Prude)
    The Bible keeps it real about guarding your heart, but that doesn’t mean you gotta be an awkward mrs-no-fun. Flirt with intentionality and keep things playful yet respectable. Rizzy one-liners for the win!

Set Biblical Standards

3. Define the Rachet
Have an honest convo upfront about mutual boundaries and what’s considered rachet territory for both of you. Physical stuff, cussing, activities – get on the same God-honoring page so there’s no confusion.

  1. Group Date > Netflix & Chill
    While the renewal of minds is extremely important, the renewal of Netflix subscriptions is not quite as crucial. Group dates, church hangouts, and Bible studies make for way better bonding experiences. But reasonably chill solo dates are permissible if you…

Establish Healthy Boundaries

5. Involve The Homies
No sneaking off alone without first running it by the crew! Your accountability homies should know what’s good and have eyes on things so nobody gets tempted to take Suzie-Christine to Pound Town.

  1. Social Media Stuntinnnnnnn?
    Post those rizzy couple pics and claim your man/woman, but make sure you’re not stirring up any unholy lust in the DM queue. Thirst traps are a no-go for the rizz god/goddess rooted in Christ.
  2. Get Christ(matic) In The Conversation
    Don’t be a preachy username47, but do work in some God talk to make sure you’re both seeking to glorify Him. If ya date is tryna dodge those convos, something might be amiss.
  3. Define The Celibacy
    If you’re saving sex for marriage, be clear about what exactly “celibate” means for each of you. Don’t assume you’re on the same page about what boundaries need to be set.
  4. Exit Rico Suave Mode For Decision Time
    When it comes to pursuing something serious, check the jokes and smooth talk at the door. Pray deeply with spiritual mentors about your potential future together. Is marriage truly God’s vision, or was this a rizzy lil’ fling to learn from?
  5. Sealed With A Covenant
    If you’ve gotten this far and both feel God’s paz about locking it down for life, then let the holy celebration commence! Two became one before the Lord, the homies go stupid lit at the ceremony, and now it’s time to apply these tips to your new God-focused marriage.

Key Takeaways

At the end of the day, keeping an eternal perspective and God-honoring attitude is key for successful Christian dating. But you betchya bottom dollar you can still get your flirt on and keep things fun without compromising. Stay rizzy, but keep it classy – that’s real godly swagger right there.

Set clear biblical standards from the start by defining boundaries around physical intimacy, language, and activities. And establish healthy boundaries by involving accountability partners, being thoughtful about social media, openly discussing celibacy, and separating the smooth talk from serious discernment about marriage. With God at the center, you can rizz with rizspect!

Kyle Choi : rizzyourdate

Kyle Choi

true game stems from internal confidence, vibing authentically, and well-timed rizzy remarks - not routines. Kyle shares rizz wisdom through articles like "100 Rizz Lines" blending edgy humor with a laidback flirting style. When not coaching, he enjoys martial arts, action movies, and sipping HK milk tea while crafting his next panty-dropping masterpiece.

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