Privacy Policy

Collection and Use of Personal Information

(i) When subscribing, registering as a member, or participating in activities, rizzyourdate may collect your personal information. The personal information you provide is divided into mandatory and voluntary. You must provide the specified personal information; otherwise, we may not be able to process your application and provide services, which may cause delays. Other personal information is mainly used for customer statistics, product improvement, service and promotion.

Mandatory personal information purposes include: membership management, reward points, member notifications, business relationship establishment, etc.
Voluntary personal information purposes include: research analysis, market research, user satisfaction surveys, member newsletters, promotions, etc.

(ii) The website will collect visitors' browsing records through Cookies for website analysis and optimization purposes, and will not provide relevant information to third parties.

(iii) The application will use location data to provide nearby event alerts; you can turn the location service on or off yourself.

(iv) If using the third-party "share" function, please refer to the relevant provider's privacy policy.

(v) The application will read device data such as contacts, calendars, and cameras with your consent to provide relevant functions.

(vi) The application will collect device unique identifiers for statistical purposes.

Personal Information Used for Promotion

With consent, rizzyourdate will send promotional messages including offers, events, products, etc., primarily using email addresses for notification. To unsubscribe, you can change your member settings or email notifications.

Security of Personal Information

rizzyourdate will properly store and keep personal information received confidential immediately; only authorized employees can access it, and ensure employees comply with relevant codes of conduct.

Transfer of Personal Information

In necessary situations, personal information may be transferred to relevant payment banks, technology partners, law enforcement agencies, etc. rizzyourdate will take feasible steps to protect the data.

Access and Change Personal Information

You have the right to access, correct, update personal information, or request account deletion, and may need to pay related administrative fees.

Links to Other Websites

This privacy policy only applies to rizzyourdate; for privacy issues on external websites or platforms, please refer to the relevant company's privacy terms.